Request a ZOOM Introduction Class Invitation. Here are some quick tips from The Sunday School Guy podcast. LIVE REVIEW SESSION W/Q&A - Sun TBD, 2022, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT. If you want an interactive way to teach a Bible study during the COVID-19 crisis, ZOOM is a good tool that allows people to interact online in a safe environment. LIVE LESSONS 1-15 SESSIONS- Sun Jan 16-, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT. LIVE INTRO SESSION- Sun, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT. Access information for the Zoom sessions below are sent to members via E.

LIVE LESSONS 16-30 SESSIONS- WINTER-SPRING DATES TBD, 2021, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT - REQUEST WAITLIST. We are also temporarily accepting contributions using Paypal. LIVE LESSONS 1-15 SESSIONS- FALL DATES TBD, 2021, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT - REQUEST WAITLIST. Join Us On Zoom Theme and Topic are based on Church teachings to build up and grow the body in the Word of Christ. LIVE INTRO SESSION- FALL DATE TBD, 2021, 4PM ET / 3PM CT / 2PM MT / 1 PM PT - REQUEST WAITLIST. UPCOMING & RECENT-Jan-May, 2021 ZOOM SCHEDULE: Join us this Wednesday at 6:30 pm in person or through ZOOM. The 30 LESSON SESSIONS cover: 1] intro to the Lesson study (5 minutes) 2] GUIDE Discussion Questions (20 minute facilitated Q&A) and 3] GUIDE LESSON Lecture (20 minutes + optional Q&A). of your children You may also find Grace Kids Bible Studies & Sundays Worship on. Each lecture will sharpen your Bible study skills and make Scripture come alive. Start learning at your own pace with BibleProject Classroom.
Bible study online zoom free#
Simply REGISTER in the TBS Forum here to receive a ZOOM NT Meeting Invite, or request more information by email. When in session, Zoom Classes are offered LIVE on Sundays at 4 PM ET, or listen to the pre-recorded lecture portion for your convenience (after the first live-session date). Free Online Bible Study Courses Study the Bible in Our Classroom.

The 15-Lesson "Zoom Through the New Testament" Class is FREE.