Two notable Demolishers have been discovered in The Following:

They also have giant blisters on their arms, giving the player an advantage of attacking them at their weakpoint. Demolishers will stomp their foot towards Aiden, causing a shockwave to knock the player down. The Demolisher will act similarly to their Dying Light predecessor, but will have a new attack. Higher level variants have started growing black, rock-like tumors and have bone spikes jutting out from their shoulders and midsections. Lower level variants have the typical monstrous build, and painfully large blisters. Their lower jaw is similar to those that belong to Volatiles. On their head you can see the remains of hair. They no longer look like former soldiers/policemen, but as civilians. In Dying Light 2 Stay Human Demolishers have received changes in appearance. Still wearing his riot uniform and face helmet, he is able to survive numerous strikes from melee survivors and ranged weapons. After getting infected, he mutated into a muscular brute, gaining the ability to tear an entire chunk on concrete from the roads and throw at survivors with ease. The Demolisher was once part on the Harran police force riot control unit, who took part in helping the people of the city and fighting the infected. In Dying Light: The Following, Demolishers with green military-styled camouflage appear far more commonly and unconstrained by urban environments, making them an even greater threat. In the base game, they only appear in Old Town, with the exception of the boss battle in Rais' Stadium. They have a gas tank on their back that will be set off when hit, much like the Gas Tank variant of the Biters. A gas mask variant, which was added November 10th, 2019, can be found in Old Town as well, sometimes paired with another Demolisher. There is also a special Demolisher in Old Town dubbed Sergeant Deathrow who has a random encounter with 2 Toads VS 2-3 friendly survivors. Also, if a group of infected are chasing the player, with little timing and positioning one can lure them into the Demolisher's car toss attack as the player dodges it. Its attacks have longer windup compared to its smaller kind, making for an easier time dodging and even creates opportunity for one to lure the Demolisher's attacks to disperse nearby Biter groups. Physically, the Demolisher is big but almost as intelligent as the Biters. The Demolisher is made due to a failed development of the virus.

However, the Demolisher is quite slow and can be easily avoided prior to its charge. When a Demolisher spots the player, it will charge them. Its strengths lies in its ability to break down walls and lift and toss vehicles across far distances. The Demolisher is the largest infected type encountered by the player.