Then in the industrial area, go to the yellow crane’s tip of the arm and jump down on top of the blue crate.
How To Unlock Feather Goat AKA Ostrich: First get the jetpack.Simply keep holding the R key to activate them. Special Powers: You’ll get the powers of the Devil Goat including flight and creating balls of stuff. Upon completion, the “Blood for the Blood Goat” message & a 4-horned demon skull mask confirms your powers are now active. – Once you arrive at the Pentagram location, go stand in the middle of the Pentagram, and either use your tongue to bring 5 human sacrificial victims there or spawn 5 goats on it by pressing the R key. It can be reached by following a path up the hill in between Coffee Stain Studios and the party, as you get closer you’ll find torches lit alongside the path. – Second, you’ll have to find the red Pentagram location behind the powerline pylon on the other side of the map. After that you’ll spawn outside with a devil-mask on, but you’re not fully powered up yet… Follow the red carpet and sacrifice yourself in the goat sacrificial Infernal Throne’s fires. Walk up the stairs and enter the goat-door at the top to enter the goat’s throne room inside. – First, from where you start the game (the spawn location) at the party there’s a barricaded area for goats that has a miniature spiral staircase tower in it (the Goat Castle). How To Unlock Evil Goat AKA Devil Goat: Unlock the “Devil Goat” achievement.– This super-speed ability is similar to Sonic The Hedgehog’s running. In short: Stand still and tap the R key to charge a spin, then release by pressing the W key.

Rapidly pressing the R key will build up a charge until you release by pressing the W key. Special Powers: Curl into a ball and power up a boost.
The full Mutator unlocking details are listed here-under.

Note: How to unlock Mutators? Collect collectibles that are scattered all over the map to unlock new goat skins, some of which have special abilities. Here’s how to change sizes & goat skins by jumping into the science hole with blue lights: This potty-mouth video guide shows how to equip some of the unlocked Mutator skins/powers: From the Main Menu, go into a “Custom Game” and add a Mutator via the “Select A Mutator” list. Tip: You can switch between the Goat’s Mutators.